About consortium “ETEC”
The consortium "ETEC" was organized to implement ambitious international projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The main activities of "ETEC" are refining, petrochemicals, chemistry, production of mineral fertilizers.
Consortium members are RAO invest ltd (St.-Petersburg), holding group of companies VOKENERGOMASH (Nizhny Novgorod), JSC NIIK (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region), Design Institute. "Soyuzkhimpromproekt" of Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Kazan national research technological University" (Kazan), JSC "Vodokanal-engineering" (St.-Petersburg), as well as subcontractor of Designing chemical-engineering institute "Polikhimservis" LLC, JSC VNIPIneft (Moscow), LUKOIL-Nizhegorodniinefteproekt ltd, PTN NHP ltd (Ufa) etc.
The aim is a one-time mobilization of specialists from 2500 to 4000 people to perform the tasks assigned to the consortium. The right preparatory activities of the consortium is vested in the company RAO Invest – the head: Belenky, O. N. and GC "VOKENERGOMASH" - the head: Ignatiev E. A.
Geography of our Projects

"ETEC" structure

Operational experience in petrochemical industry

Consortium ETEC (.pdf, 1,9Мб)
NIIKK Reference list_feb_2018 (.pdf, 8,3 Мб)
Polikhimservis eng versin 2018 (.pdf, 5,1 Мб)
SHPP eng rus version 2018 (.pdf, 7,4 Мб)
VOKENERGOMASH Reference List 2017 (.pdf, 116 Кб)